What does Soma do?
SOMA provides safety within a structure of accountability.
We believe that each minister is kept safe and alive within a framework of accountability. We should all seek to find a place that provides benevolent authority within the context of parenthood that keeps us safe like children within a family.
SOMA provides a wealth of resources.
We believe that all of us are stronger when linked together than we are independently. Our goal is to provide resources from which every ministry can benefit. These resources may include things like:
(1) accountability structure
(2) legal council and accounting services
(3) insurance and retirement plans
(4) ministry referrals for ministries
(5) educational material
(6) bulk purchasing power
(7) use of a retreat center
(8) church planting resources
(9) pastor’s conferences
(10) bible college classes
SOMA provides a place of love and friendship among a family.
Many ministers feel like they are alone on an island. It is the goal of SOMA to provide long lasting and loving relationships not unlike that of a family. SOMA is relational based not organizational based.
SOMA provides an avenue for strategic vision.
We believe the biblical model of building God’s Kingdom is one of strategy and purpose. Starting in Jerusalem and spreading to the ends of the earth, the church fulfilled Christ’s plan laid out in acts 1:8. Therefore, it is our aim to provide a vision for strategic efforts in reaching to the nations of the earth along with each local community.
SOMA provides a place of larger identity.
We believe that it is healthy for individual ministers and congregations to maintain a corporate identity larger than themselves. It is our goal to supply an identity as a group that supersedes and yet enhances each local congregation’s ministry.
SOMA provides a catalyst for spiritual development and growth
We believe in the principles of impartation. Under God’s sovereign hand, spiritual blessings can be reproduced and shared within a corporate people in much the same way as DNA is passed from parents to their children. For this reason Paul reminded timothy of the gifts of God that were given to him by the laying on of his own hands and of those of the eldership (I timothy 4:14 & II timothy 1:6). SOMA creates a framework where spiritual blessings can be imparted and regenerated throughout the fellowship, creating a corporate life not unlike that which Paul describes in I Corinthians 12:27, “now you are the body (gk: “soma”) of Christ and members individually.”