Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

If You're Ready for More, We're Ready For You!

How to Live Out of God's Position for You in Your Life

Years ago I heard a story on the news of a woman in England that was living in a group home.  She was given up for adoption by her teenage mother shortly after birth.  

While this is not a newsworthy item in itself, who the mother was made news.  She was a member of the royal family!  She had given birth to this baby out of wedlock and gave her up for adoption years before.

With her mother now long deceased, the woman who was given up for adoption was living out her years in a government subsidized group home.  She had no idea who she was.  Upon discovery, the news media pounced upon this poor woman and she became the spotlight of attention.  Because of her birth, she had a right to live in luxury and use a royal prefix before her name, placing her among the elite of society.  But she never did any of those things.  She continued to live in her present condition because her new position was foreign to her…

Did you get that?

She continued to live in her present CONDITION because her new POSITION was foreign to her…

Another story…

I talked to a man once that had recently been promoted to an officer in the military.  I asked him how it was going.  He told me that it takes some time to learn how to act like an officer.  He had spent so much time as an enlisted man, he was still thinking and acting like one even though he was now an officer.  It was taking some time for his CONDITION to catch up to his new POSITION.

These two stories illustrate something that every believer needs to understand.  The moment we get saved, we join God’s royal family.  All the rights and privileges of heaven are ours through the finished work of Jesus Christ.  We can’t earn them.  It takes no time or effort on our part.  Once we are saved, we have them.  We are promoted.  The resources of heaven are legally ours.  Like Paul said in Ephesians 2:6, we are seated IN CHRIST in heavenly places.  This describes our POSITION.

But much like the royal family heir and the recently promoted military officer, it takes time and effort for our condition to catch up to our position.  Our condition is the part of us that other people see.  It’s the part that grows and sometimes even gives up ground.  That’s the part of us that can be downright discouraging at times.  While our position in Christ never changes, our condition is always changing.

Here are some benefits of our POSITION:  Our sins are forgiven, we have access to God, our prayers are answered, we have multiple spiritual blessings available, we become a child of God, we have an eternal Inheritance

Here are some things that describe our CONDITION:  We reap what we sow, we must learn proper decision making, we are influenced by our associations, we must get good education, we must break addictions, we must obey God, we must be purpose-driven instead of pleasure-driven, we can be demonized, we must have emotional healing, we must develop good people skills ,etc. 

Just like the royal family heir and the recently promoted military officer, our condition must grow out of our knowledge and faith in our position.  We must fully believe and accept the benefits of our position in order for our condition to be changed.  So today, learn more of your position in Christ.  Embrace it.  Believe it.  And allow all aspects of your condition to be molded into that image.

II Corinthians 3:18: "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Mark PfeiferComment