Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

If You're Ready for More, We're Ready For You!

Unexpected Blessings - Part II


I have a praise report! I lost my expensive pair of Oakleys on the job tonight and couldn't find them anywhere. I looked all over my car, then I began to start praying to find them and went to the last place I had been, Interstate 75. And there they were! Unharmed! Thank you God!



Unexpected blessing: I have been trying to locate a special collectors plate for my wife for over 30 years. It is a plate from a set done by Rien Poortvliet a famous artist. It was a plate called "The Lookouts". I have seen them online for around $300 but when I had the money saved it would be gone. The other day I was just searching around and there one was! In New Hampshire and for 1/10th of what they sell for. Needless to say it isn't something that is very practical but you know what? God does love to give His children gifts!


On our way to Florida we visited friends in Georgia and walked around Savannah. When we got back to the car we had a parking ticket! A couple days later we tried to pay online and had trouble so we called. The lady said to not worry about it. No charge.

We got to Florida our car broke down and the radiator and fan had to be replaced, so we had no car. However everything we needed was all around us. We had just changed our mind where we were going to stay right before we had car trouble. So when I go to pick up the car from the mechanic we found, it was $457 less then what they were going to charge us. It's so cool how the Lord will show His hand even when you can't see Him working on our behalf.


I've been reading your Unexpected Blessings updates and have one for you. Since moving here we have had a lot of unexpected repairs and repair fees. I read about your sermon and thought a few prayers might not hurt., even though God had answered my biggest one. Well today in our mailbox was a refund check for $442.02 from the mortgage for remaining escrow account.


I have a coupe random blessings:

  1.  My mother called me a few days ago and ask me to pray for her because of health issues (which is a miracle in itself that she ask for prayer) so I stopped by to pray healing over her body. While I was praying for her I ask her if she wanted to ask JESUS into her heart and ...she said Yes!!
  2. Tonight my sister told me what I was doing for the city such as outreaches in the park, was wonderful and she wanted to be apart of it!!!  First of all I didn't even know she knew about let alone wanting to be apart of it. Having your family respect your radical faith in God is huge. This was a kiss from Heaven.


My wife and I needed to buy a new hot water heater for our house. We have been pricing new hot water heater's, and we found one at a local store for $429.00. When Shannon went to look at it they had one out-of-the-box for $387.00, so we decided to get it. When we put it on the dolly the manager followed us all the way up to the cash register. He then proceeded to tell the woman checking us out that he was going to give us the hot water heater for $370.00. We didn't ask for it or expect it but God gave it to us anyway! Unexpected blessing!

TeachingsMark PfeiferComment