Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

If You're Ready for More, We're Ready For You!

Unexpected Blessings - Part III


Today I got a call completely out of the blue with a job offer that I have neither applied for nor heard of. Now, I already have a job but being as this is such a great opportunity (intern at an accounting firm) I jumped at the chance. It is so nice to be blessed going in, and blessed going out! 

FROM HIS DAD: My son is starting college next week. I received a call a week ago wanting to know if he would be interested in a paid intern position at an accounting firm in town! He never asked for it or applied for it, a friend just gave them his name! He interviewed and found out today, that he got the internship! God is good! And that is a huge unexpected blessing!



I have been praying and asking God for guidance about how to save for my children’s college. I knew I couldn’t save a lot right now until my own debt is paid. This past week I have been researching about which financing plan to go with etc. I knew I had a raise coming and I thought I knew the amount of my raise but this morning when I looked it was $525 more than expected. This is just what we need to start contributing to their savings plans. Praise God!



This is just one of the blessings we have received recently…We have been waiting a year for a back payment owed from the VA. I've been praying like crazy. With two kids going back to college and another one starting high school, there have been a lot of things to buy/order. Plus it's been fair week and with camping and animals, there is a lot of cost involved. So on Thursday my husband called the VA yet again to figured out what can help us get things straightened out and finally, THANK GOD, someone took his call that knew exactly what to do! So I check the bank Friday and FINALLY our back pay is pending deposit in the bank!!! It really couldn't have come at any better of a time, when we needed it most!! GOD IS GOOD!!!



I applied for a job paying $5 more on the hour than what I makes now.  After the interview, they said they wanted me.  Then, I was interviewed again and got a raise before I even started and now I am going to make $9 more an hour than I am presently making.  Praise God!



At church these last couple Sundays Pastor Mark Pfeifer has been speaking on "unexpected blessings." This morning I woke up and thought that I had forgotten about my niece’s birthday party so I was going to skip church and go to town instead. After finding out that the birthday party wasn't until next Sunday I decided to still just go to town as we weren't exactly dressed for church.  On the way to town son calls and says that his girlfriend was at church waiting on us.  She has been coming with us ever since they started dating.  My son has settled into his duty station and he was venturing out on his own to find a new church to attend this morning.  After getting to church a few minutes late, we found our seats in the front row of the teen section where Nick Nicholson ushers nearly every week. I look up and see a precious new picture of my son hanging on the wall of the sanctuary.  An Unexpected Blessing for a momma missing her boy! God was just letting me know that he has my son in His hand and he loves us enough to bless us! And it will continue be a huge blessing to see that pic every Sunday!  God is so good!



We wanted to share our Unexpected Blessing!  After coming home from work on Wednesday one of the boys came in and told my wife and I that I had a flat tire on my truck, after going out and looking I realized that I had ran over a nail. I was devastated, we did not have the money to replace or even repair the tire. I had no idea how I was going to get to work the next day or the next week until payday. All day we worried and wondered what we were going to do. So we prayed for God to help us in this situation.  After thinking for a while something told me to look at my tire size, I had a few old tires out back but knew they were too small. Well, as I went to check just to be sure, there sat not one, not two, but three tires the exact size I needed!  I nearly fell down!  It was like a loud speaker screaming UNEXPECTED BLESSING!! God is so good! To some, a tire might not be a big deal, and some may think it was pure luck! We know better!  God has blessed us!!! He lifted the worries and stress and left us with tears of joy and praise!!



I have an unexpected blessing to share. I was pretty heavyhearted worrying about school clothes, basketball things for my son, a few unexpected bills, etc.  So thinking about some things we had been talking about during my woman's bible study, I just laid it all out before God. Now in my head, I'm thinking, "God knows my needs and He promised to take care of ALL of them. So I don't know why I need to ask, I should have the faith to just trust Him." But I gave him the details of my mess, and then went about my day.  My son text me an hour later and said that his girlfriend's uncle had some work for him and that he wanted to help him get some school clothes. Praise God!  But it doesn't stop there!! The next day my son got a text from his dad telling him he wants to send my son some money for school clothes!!! So then we go school shopping & I'm not kidding you EVERYWHERE we went we were blessed! From sales, sizes, short lines, etc. It was amazing!!! To top it off we were finishing up at Jeffersonville outlet mall after 9 hours of shopping and they started letting off fireworks!!! I missed the Fourth of July fireworks so that was super special!!! BUT there's still more!!! Yesterday, totally out of the blue, his dad called again and said he wanted to give him a little more money for school stuff... so he sent him $500!!!!!!! I about passed out!! This is TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!!!! God is just so good to me. I am so very blessed by His love for me.



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