Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

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All Leaves and No Fruit

Jesus was entering the final week of His life. In a few short days, He would be gone and His disciples would be responsible to continue the movement. He had less than a week to teach them all He could. The day after entering into Jerusalem, he saw a fig tree as He was walking into the city of Jerusalem and decided to use it as a teaching opportunity for His disciples – a lesson that speaks of the futility of religious activity with no fruit.

Fig trees produced fruit twice and sometimes three times a year in that climate. The leaves and the fruit grow simultaneously. So if there are leaves, there should be fruit. Although full of leaves, this tree was completely void of any fruit.

Jesus is still looking for fruit. Do we have fruit to show Him or do we just wave our leaves? What do leaves represent? What is fruit? How can we bear fruit? These and other questions are answered in this week’s video blog.