Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

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THE CLEANSING POWER OF PRAISE - Overcoming Toxic Emotions

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem the final week of His life, He was met with great fanfare.  The people were shouting “Hosanna” to Him - which is an ancient word for “Hurrah” or “Hurray” – which ever you prefer.

In that moment, Jerusalem was never more alive.  The people were never more free!  Their enemies were never more defeated!  For an instant, while Jesus passed by, they had forgotten about their Roman oppressors.  They had forgotten about the hypocrisy of their religious leaders.  They had forgotten about the debauchery of their civil leaders.  For that moment, they had forgotten about their own daily struggles and put their full focus on worshiping their Messiah.

In that moment, as their hearts and minds were fixated on Jesus,  He was enthroned in them!

It reminds me of what David said in Psalm 22:3, “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.”  Our praise enthrones God above all other issues and struggles in our lives.  It helps us see Him in His rightful place ruling over all the issues that often plague us.

Even though God reigns with or without our praise, when we recognize and honor His exalted position, it allows us to see more clearly that He does, indeed, rule over everything – both good and bad.  

Praise Helps us align all other issues beneath Him.  It helps remind us that nothing compares to Him.  Nothing can escape His attention and nothing has Him worried.   Nothing can unseat Him from His throne.  Nothing!  Neither pain nor heartache, no attack from the enemy, no betrayal, no loss of any kind will ever escape the rule of God.  Praise brings it all to His throne and makes every issue kneel and confess that Jesus is Lord!

When Jesus is lifted up in our hearts and minds like He was the day He rode into Jerusalem, peace and joy will replace a sense of victimization, humiliation, frustration and marginalization.  For that moment, the people of God were optimistic and hopeful as their King made His grand entrance.  All other negative thoughts and emotions were evaporated in the glory of their praise.

Praise enthrones God above our critics…

Above our circumstances…

Above the devil…

And above our own inner turmoil.

Praise helps us know that God is in charge.  It reminds us that He is always working on our behalf – especially when we cannot see it.  The epic struggle for control of our minds necessitates daily praise – constant worship in order for us to win the battle for our own souls.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem that day, His first order of business was to cleanse the temple.  His pushing over of tables and driving out cheaters and the calling forward those who were previously rejected from entering the temple was an example of what worship can do in our hearts and minds.  It drives out those things that bring torment and makes room for the presence of a loving and gracious Savior.

We are the temple of the Holy Spirit according to I Corinthians 6:19.  The cleansing of toxic and damaging emotions is accomplished in the praise and worship of our King.  This is the doorway to daily victory in our lives.

What is praise?  Praising God is simply…

1. Recognizing the rightful place of God as Ruler of the Universe

2. Celebrating Who God is

3. Thanking Him with specifically for what He has done in our lives

4. Confessing with surety that the future is going to be good

Realigning and reordering our daily lives to establish the rule of God over all things is an on-going need.  So begin your day with praise.  Throughout the morning, stop and acknowledge the presence of God.  Thank Him for Who He is and what He has done.  At lunch and throughout the afternoon, take just a second and whisper and praise to God.  When you return home from work, speak about the goodness of God.  Throughout the evening, remember to say good things about God and recount His many blessings.  Then before bed, stop and reflect on your day.  Find those little blessings that were spread throughout the day and thank God for each one.

That’s the way you keep your temple cleansed and God enthroned in your life!