MOSES in the ENOUGH is ENOUGH Series Teachings, VideosMark PfeiferMay 5, 2014Christians, Church, compromise, egypt, enemy, God, hell, israelites, moses, Ohio, Open Door, people, pharoah, screwtape letters, submissionComment
The Test of Stewardship VideosMark PfeiferFebruary 2, 2014achieve, belongs, bible, body, Chillicothe, Church, coffee, comprehended, eternal, eternity, Everything, examine, glory, God, grateful, happier, hard, hope, implemented, mind, Ohio, Open Door, Opportunities, responsible, reward, stewardship, workComment
The Three Jo(h)ns VideosMark PfeiferNovember 24, 2013alarm, awaken, baptisms, call, Chillicothe, Christ, Church, daily, encounters, encouragement, examples, finding, God, healed, healing, holy spirit, homeless, Jesus, knitting, love, meet, Ohio, overwhlem, power, Prayer, praying, real, real life, response, seeking, Service, testimonies, wake up, workingComment