Church in Chillicothe

Weekly Sermons

If You're Ready for More, We're Ready For You!

MOSES in the ENOUGH is ENOUGH Series

There are two main strategies the enemy employs against God’s people.  First, he tries to intimidate us into submission.  Second, if he sees we are serious and won’t back down, he will try to get us to compromise. Someone once said that compromise is changing the question to fit the answer.  Once we compromise in one area of our life, it becomes easier to do so the next time.  In his classic book, The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis comments, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”  Once compromise becomes a way of life, the question changes so often that the answers becomes hard to find.

When Moses demanded that the Israelite slaves be freed, Pharaoh kept offering compromise after he saw that Moses could not be intimidated. First, he said that the Israelites could stay right there in Egypt and worship God just fine.  Many Christians attempt to make that compromise every Sunday. Instead of leaving Egypt entirely, they just perform a few more religious activities and mix it into their weekly routine.

Second, Pharaoh finally said that they could leave but they can’t go far.  Then after Moses insisted, he finally said they could go far but couldn’t take their kids.  Finally, he told Moses that he could leave Egypt, go far, take the kids but couldn’t take their possessions.  To which Moses stood firm and repeated, “Let my people go.”

When Pharaoh finally relented, Israel left Egypt, went far, took the kids and their possessions…AND the possessions of the Egyptians!!  That’s what it looks like when God’s people stop compromising and start living a Godly life that is truly committed to Him.  Aren’t you tired of being in bondage? Wouldn’t you like to see generational blessing in your family?  Would you like to break the spirit of poverty?  Then don’t compromise!  Stand firm with Moses on God’s word and declare, “Let my people go!"

Your freedom is not a matter of power; it’s just a matter of time!